تقدیر رئیس بخش سلامت و پیشگیری از مواد دفتر مواد و جرائم سازمان ملل متحد(UNODC)

دکتر گیلبرتو گرا با ارسال نامه ای مراتب تشکر و قدردانی خود را از رئیس مرکز ملی مطالعات اعتیاد ابراز داشت.
دکتر گیلبرتو گرا رئیس بخش سلامت و پیشگیری از مواد 'دفتر مواد و جرائم سازمان ملل متحد' با ارسال نامه ای مراتب تشکر و قدردانی خود را از رئیس مرکز ملی مطالعات اعتیاد، دکتر آفرین رحیمی موقر در خصوص برگزاری کارگاه آموزشی با عنوان 'مدیریت خدمات درمان وابستگی به مواد' که با حضور پزشکان و پرستاران کشور افغانستان و با حمایت دفتر مواد و جرائم سازمان ملل متحد در آبان ماه 97 در مرکز ملی مطالعات اعتیاد برگزار شده بود ابراز داشت.
متن نامه بشرح زیر است:
Dear Dr Afarin Rahimi Movaghar
I would like to express my gratitude for the support received from the Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies (lNCAS) for the organization of two training events on ()4 lo 07
November 2018 in Tehran. Iran
The UNODC successfully conducted training for policymakers. At the same time, LINODC conducted training on TrearNet Volume D - Management of Drug Dependence Treatment Services. Both training session.'> were well-organised and effectively conducted. This success was based on the strong support from INCAS staff during the planning and delivery of the events
The training activities constitute an integral pan of the UNODC/WHO efforts to promote a sound understanding of drug dependence and its rrcnunem, to counteract stigma; to improve the capacity of health systems to respond to the needs of persons with drug use disorders; and ro share good practice among Member Slates
In addition lo Lhe support you provided in organizing the event, I firmly believe that the example of drug dependence rrcarmcnt in Iran added great value to the training activities
l look forward to future opportunities to coopermc with INCAS and sharing the experience of Iran to benefit other countries around tbe world
Yours sincerely,
Gilberto Gerra
Chief, Drug Prevention and Health Branch
I Inired Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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